TAKT Sound Walk Wavre, Brussels


A multi-channel Sound Walk experience, curated by Antje Görner

June 24th – July 31st 2023

Welcome to the SoundWalk Wavre! Please explore these 9 sound works by 11 artists from the international Takt community from Europe,America, Australia and Asia. originally created during Iockdown to creatively stick together.

The story started in Leipzig during the pandemic:
First imagined to walk together along the water. we created this SoundWalk as an outdoor experience along Lindenauer Hafen in Leipzig. the curator‘s home.
The shared Iockdown experiences of loneliness paired with the sudden presence of unforeseen never-ending time, flows into many pieces.
Water as the life-giving element seems to be woven into the pieces and beyond there is stillness.
The very different character of the nine pieces also shows the wide range of artists of the Takt community.
Start at GALLERY NOSTRUM , Wavre.

Download the  app at Playstore/ App-Store or scan the QRcode below. From there. simply begin to stream the Echoesxyz walk, push play and move as you like through the various marked zones. Each zone holds a sonic piece by one of the participating artists:

Anne Fehres, Luke Conroy, Antje Görner , Ben Glas, Bemd Ihno Eilts, Bernhard E. Haas,
Chris Tonelli. Danielle Riede, Lucia Caluseriu, Rares Caluseriu, Frank Mauceri, Sam

Happy listening and exploring!

Takt Berlin Leipzig Zeitz – taktberlin.org @taktberlin
Curation: Antje Gorner – antje-goerner.de
Technical support: Ben Glas – thankyouforyourunderstanding.com

This project was realised in collaboration with;
Rue. Florimond Letroye 13. bte 25.
1300 Wavre (BE)

Travel list Soundwalk 2021-23:
October 2021 Leipzig
April 2022 Kunstraum Reuter Berlin
June/July 2022 Tapir Kunstraum Berlin
October 2022 DIHAN Groningen. NL
June/July 2023 Gallery NOSTRUM/Wavre, Brussels
August 2023 MART Gallery Dublin
October 2023 Eintracht Pankow, Berlin

Supported by Kulturstiftung dcs Freistaates Sachsen
Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert durch Steuermittel auf der Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushalts.