September 28th ‐ November 2nd 2024
September 27th 6‐9pm
November 2nd 6‐9pm
Sat/ Sun 4‐6pm and by appointment
Marcel Naubert draws, constructs surfaces and designs space.
His works on paper are two-dimensional and extend into three-dimensional space through playful collage elements.
Clear compositions and extremely conscious line drawing are his trademarks.
In his paintings, after applying the paint, he goes on a search with ink and quill: the lines are very precise, careful and meditative and accompany the paint, accept its course and support it, creating moments of meditative calm. This calm can also be found in his collages. His working method is also very precise and linear in these works, but here he creates the “repaint” through his application of paint.
Marcell Naubert, child of Generation X, shows modernist buildings in Berlin.
In Orwell’s early novel Coming up for Air the author lets his character travel to the supposed idyll of his childhood, only to find him disappointed that the strange and destructive modernity has long since taken hold there too. Paradise is irrevocably lost. Marcell Naubert’s preoccupation with modern buildings shows his fascination and curiosity for architecture and the stories associated with it. His interpretations leave room for vitality: he contrasts the dilapidated and brutal nature of the aging buildings with the colorfulness of the new paint.
If we immerse ourselves in the lines of the Wave House (Wellenhaus) we can now come up for air.
Antje Görner, Oct 2024

TAPIR | Kopenhagener Str. 31a | 10437 Berlin