Permanent Sound Installation at Noorderplantsoen Kruissingel Groningen via Echoes
DIHAN Groningen
Antiquariaat Berger & De Vries
Pelsterstraat 27-29
9711KH Groningen NL
curated by @antje.goerner
SHOW 23.10.-5.11.2022
OPENING 23.10. 6-9pm
with music by Bernhard E.Haas, Exploration Chorus Groningen
Dr. Chris Tonelli, Bernd Ihno Eilts
Participating artists
@annewfehres @lukefconroy @samgenovese_projects @thankyouforyourunderstanding @bernhard.e.haas @bernd.eilts @mauceri.frank @danielleriede @tonelli_chris @antje.goerner & rares caluseriu
Nine sound works by 11 artists from the international Takt community originally created during lockdown to creatively stick together will be installed at the showrooms of DIHAN Groningen and as Soundwalk at Noorderplantsoen park area near the water.
First thought to imagine walking along the water together, the canal at Lindenauer Hafen, Leipzig.
The Sound Walk Groningen
at Noorderplantsoen
using App ECHOES
Stay tuned for more infos!
Supported by @kulturstiftungfreistaatsachsen
with music by Bernhard E.Haas, Exploration Chorus Groningen
Dr. Chris Tonelli, Bernd Ihno Eilts
@annewfehres @lukefconroy @samgenovese_projects @thankyouforyourunderstanding @bernhard.e.haas @bernd.eilts @mauceri.frank @danielleriede @tonelli_chris @antje.goerner & rares caluseriu
Nine sound works by 11 artists from the international Takt community originally created during lockdown to creatively stick together will be installed at the showrooms of DIHAN Groningen and as Soundwalk at Noorderplantsoen park area near the water.
at Noorderplantsoen
using App ECHOES
Stay tuned for more infos!