Alltar | Mary Martin
curated by Antje Görner
ALLTAR, translating from Irish as for the other side, the afterlife or otherworld, is a solo exhibition by Irish artist and TAKT artist in residence summer 2023, Mary Martin. Her practice surrounds themes of metamorphosis, liminal realms and humanity’s disregard for the Anthropocene, which she contemplates and provides a way of tackling with the aid of indigenous story-telling. Through the perspective and case study of an imaginary species, whether living amongst us or taking shelter internally, Martin allows for an open space for the potential of empathy and inner reflection to prevail and heal.
SHOW August 5th – August 27th 2023
OPENING August 5th 5-9pm
OPEN HOURS Thurs-Sun 4-6pm
August 27th 4-7pm
TAPIR | Kopenhagener Str. 31a | 10437 Berlin