Bernardo Bello | Das Heben der Leier


Bernardo Bello | Das Heben der Leier

curated by @antje.goerner



July 5th 6-9pm

July 6th-28th 2024

July 13th 5pm

Sat/ Sun 4-6pm and by appointment




Nur wer die Leier schon hob
auch unter Schatten,
darf das unendliche Lob
ahnend erstatten.

Nur wer mit Toten vom Mohn
ass, von dem ihren,
wird nicht den leisesten Ton
wieder verlieren.

Mag auch die Spieglung im Teich
oft uns verschwimmen:
Wisse das Bild.

Erst in dem Doppelbereich
werden die Stimmen
ewig und mild.

Aus: Die Sonette an Orpheus
Rainer Maria Rilke (1922)

Who, in realms of shade,
the lyre dares to raise,
receives in ominous trade
endless powers of prais.

Who, with the dead, om poppy dine,
need nevermore fear:
the true sweetness in his rhyme
shall never disappear.

When the lagoon’s mirror pane
reflects all unclear,
recall the sign.

Only in the dual domain
can voices appear
forever benign.

From: Sonnets to Orpheus
Rainer Maria Rilke (1922)



The Portuguese painter Bernardo Bello, born in Lisbon in 1988, has been living and working in
Berlin since 2021. At his first solo exhibition in Berlin at the TAPIR gallery, he is showing a new
series of oil paintings from recent years.
Viewers are invited to immerse themselves in a mythical world created by the artist.
Bernardo Bello’s works show a high degree of sensuality and sensitivity as well as originality in the
formal language: lines search for, define and shape space; sometimes playfully, sometimes with
The artist’s works show a content-related and creative engagement with philosophical themes from
the myths of antiquity: love, hope and devotion, the human being and his relationship to nature and
the world of belief underlying this.

Antje Görner, July 2024



TAPIR | Kopenhagener Str. 31a | 10437 Berlin