Etkar-André-Str. 29, 04157 Leipzig
Udo Koloska Nachleben
Herlambang Bayu Aji Shadow Puppet Play
Jacqueline Huskinsson Retention
Takt Talk Battle Jacqueline Huskisson | April Widdup
Marcell Naubert Neuanstrich
William Lowry Recent Works
Patricia Chow Synaesthesia
Das Heben der Leier Bernardo Bello
Nagua Dunkelmann Who I Am Or Not
Kevin MacLean Mote
Petrus Akordéon Tanz der Tapire
Herlambang Bayu Aji ANIMALGINATION
Isabel Monti always in time
Takt Collection 2# Self Contained
Takt Open Studios
Mary Martin Alltar
Music for trees
Takt Sound Walk Wavre Brussels
Nagua Dunkelmann Lost
Safe Place 8 artist positions from Ukraine
Sandra Zuanovic Sorting of Repetitions
SOUND WALK IV Groningen @dihan.happening
Anne Sara Loe Interference
Nataliia Petrykovych In the Middle of Nowhere
Tia Yoon As above, So below
Charys Wilson Time Frames
Frank Mauceri Blue Wave
Soundwalk III
Josema Zamorano The place where I am You
Hadass Gilboa Calculus
Christine Wick Magma
Sound walk II
Sarah Edmondson Mary Martin Niamh McGuinne Gormworm
Frank Mauceri Überflüssig, Unverweslich, Geheim
Ulrike Jensen
Map Illustrations
Danielle Riede Body Electric II
Isolde Krams Ladenhüter – Granate im Bett
Danielle Riede | Antje Görner Homo Ludens
Christine Wick Kaffee und Nadel
Sandra Zuanovic Encounters
Luke Conroy | Anne Fehres Talk To Me – Pampus Island
Liz Chow Every Day Life
Oscar Castillo Der ständige Kampf
Ben Glas (non)sensibilities
Tina Hopp Arcadia
Bernd Ihno Eilts Night Hunt – Pandemic Noise
Rosaana Velasco Controversia
Sam Genovese ENTANGLEMENTING – An American Ending
Maria Kubysh Paintings from 2020
Ben Glas Playing it by Ear
Nacht der Kunst Clovis McEvoy | Garling Wu
Clovis McEvoy Salience Network
Takt Berlin/Leipzig Summer Group Show Synchronicity
Sayo Watano Beginning
Takt Berlin/Leipzig Spring Group Show Synchronicity
Mojdeh Rezaeipour a pomegranate, a rose
Takt A.I.R. Winter Group Show Broken Spaces
Takt A.I.R. Autumn Group Show Field of Vision
Takt A.I.R. Summer Group Show On the Other Side
Josema Zamorano Encounters
Danielle Riede Body Electric
Sandra Zuanovic Revisited Lines
Anne Sara Loe Body Print
Takt A.I.R. Spring Group Show Enter the Unknown
Christine Wick Nahe Menschen
Takt A.I.R. Winter Group Show Something found
Anastasia Cazabon Memory Lust
Takt A.I.R. Autumn Group Show Everything flows
Takt A.I.R. Summer Group Show Something lost
Nuni Weisz Horses and Sea monsters, bitte.
Orsi Horvath you say hi, i say bye
Talia Benabu An der sonngewohnten Strasse
Chris Dennis Cod life philosophies
Takt A.I.R. Spring Group Show The Belly of the Whale
Ariel Cotton Old World New World
Jiwoo Park Do You have a dwelling place
Takt A.I.R. Winter Group Show Multitudes
Takt A.I.R. Autumn Group Show Another Space Charys Wilson Still Life
Michael Greaves Facsimile
Takt A.I.R. Summer Group Show Let Go
Agron Blakcori Can you imagine this as something beautiful…
Marcus Ahlers Exhibition 5
Christian Hoffmann Soluna
Ralf Tekaat Memorial for the Unknown Iceberg
Takt A.I.R. Spring Group Show Liminal
Kolbrún Inga Söring Blur Of Memories
Rosaana Velasco Enigma
Takt Winter Group Show Wahrnehmungen | Perceptions
Sketch the Moment 1st Exhibition
Oscar Castillo Berlin Tropical
Anastasia Cazabon BLOOD MOON
Millie Gleeson time will tell
Takt Autumn Group Show In the mind’s eye
Brian Riedel False Tscüße
Danielle Riede Hier und jetzt
Christopher Dalzell Mentis Morbum: a Visual Study of a Broken Mind
Anastasia Cazabon Dream Logic
Takt Summer Group Show Unobtrusively Obvious
Takeshi Moro Wannsee im Berliner Blau
Tina Hopp breadcrumbs will cover your way
Silvia Camagni | Eleni Tongidou BURSTING
Isolde Krams The Natives are restless
Orsi Horváth – Alexander Povzner little resistance, little pathology
Takt Spring Group Show Unterton
The Art Of Catching Serpents Visiting Artists from the University of Delaware
non plus ultra minus multiverse Takt Mentors’ Group Show
Norman Gensel Helden
Ira Hoffecker Urbane Welten | Urban Settings