Anna McDermott

 An inquiry into what it means to exist within the context of the human body is at the centre of Anna McDermott’s multidisciplinary practice. Her mixed-media installations provide her audience with fragmentary glimpses of experience; demanding an active and moving body for these fragments of material to be read, understood and most importantly, felt. The materialisations of her practice see various mediums to communicate and inform one another and simultaneously disrupt and direct the movement of those which encounter it – instability is here underscored. The body has therefore not only been realised as a powerful medium of expression, but also as an integral, active component of the work. Her practice is therefore much less involved with defining ‘the body’ than it is with testing the boundaries of experience through providing opportunities spatial and physical exchange.


Breathing Exercises | mixed media installation: yoga mats, artist’s breath encased in balloons, sewing pin, threads, mirror, perspex, tape, collage